This recent issue of the AMC magazine had an article that highlighting less-crowded walking & hiking alternatives to some better known and popular hikes. In Pennsylvania, a popular hike along the Lehigh River is Glen Onoko, a beautiful falls trail in Jim Thorpe, PA. I have never hiked there, but Betsy did when she was younger. As it turns out, the falls trail was permanently
closed a year ago over safety concerns. In any event, the author clearly didn't know that and provided a nearby alternative: the
Lehigh Parkway in Allentown. Since I am in the area for the 4th of July holiday anyway, it seemed like an opportunity to check it out.
The directions in the magazine had me start at Klein's Bridge. Try as I might I could find no indication (or even when I got there) of he name of the bridge. I just took a shot that it might be near the Lehigh Runner's Club. I took a shot and then moved on to the next phrase in the directions, "...follow the Dr. Ernest F. Andrews Memorial Planet Walk...".
A "planet walk" is a scale representation of the distance between the planets in our solar system. There is one along the Cape Cod Rail Trail in Eastham. However, this one has information markers and the appropriate "planet" locations. |
This trail hugs the Lehigh Creek. Apparently the waters are excellent for fly fishing judging from the number of anglers I saw along the banks. |
You wouldn't expect there to be hills on this trail, but at a couple locations it actually climbs and descends pretty steeply. |
Next, I am told to cross under Bogert's Bridge. In truth, you can cross under it on the other side of the creek. On this side, you just pass by. |
A little further on, I pass under I-78, a major east-west corridor in the Lehigh Valley. |
So the directions got a little confusing here. I passed a Museum of Indian Culture, but because of my approach, I never noticed it. When this trail went to very narrow, I figured I went too far. |
I crossed the road bridge and found the Lil'-Le-Hi Trout Nursery. |
The directions next tell me to "retrace my steps." However, I found that there was a complimentary path on the other side of the creek. In fact, to the left of this path, there's another pave path available that road bikes can use. |
Finally, I make my way back to Klein's Bridge. From this angle it's pretty impressive |
The article's stats for this walk was:
Difficulty: Easy, Distance 2.6 miles round-trip. However, it turned out to be a 4 miles walk (I wonder how they got those calculations wrong). But I was moving at 3.3 mph, so it only took 1:12. The best part of my walk today was greeting the other walkers, runner, and bikers along the path, 98% of whom observed physical distancing,but were unmasked, like me. Sharing a friendly "Good Morning" and a smile does wonders for to lighten the heart.
Did you start at the sun on the planet walk or from earth?