Sunday, August 29, 2021

Leominster Downtown Sounds

This blog entry highlights a different type of "adventure" for me.  I had a chance to play a "gig" right here in my hometown.  The business development office for the city of Leominster has been sponsoring "Downtown Sounds" in August and September.  Basically, live music in the city's newest park across from the Monument Square downtown.  I signed up to perform and  was there Saturday night from 5pm for 3 hours.  Sorry if you missed it.

Despite a couple rain shower interruptions, it was a fun experience playing and singing for diners, drivers, and passers-by.

Hey, I also have a new website for this sideline career:


  1. Share your set list!

    1. Sorry, that's proprietary. You'll just have to come and listen next time. :)
