Sunday, October 28 - Hurricane Sandy is bearing down on the whole eastern seaboard (see
local paper spelling error), but it's still a good day to get out for a hike. Well, maybe.
This section of the hike goes mostly through Charlton and traverses the famous "cow tunnel" under 4 lanes of US Route 20 (Boston Post Road). That was my pitch, anyway, to entice Betsy to join me on this stretch, in less-than-ideal weather conditions. Driving to the start is now a bit easier because we are close to major highways once again (I-290, US 20). To get started earlier, we leave directly from church after Youth Ministry Band (YMB) practice. Once again, we jockey cars so that I have a little longer hike and Betsy joins me in the middle. I start walking at 1:52pm.
Betsy takes a photo of me through the car window back at Four Chimneys. You have to look very carefully, but there are raindrops on the windshield. |
Several parts of today's hike were over pipeline, which made for easy walking. |
Some of the roads I was on are designated "scenic", apparently meaning narrow and winding, with lots of trees, but no views. |
Lots of variety on this hike.This is the major east-west rail line from Worcester to Springfield. | And somebody painted a welcome message for me on the bridge. |
This appears to be a monastery or retreat center of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria, which separated after the Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD. |
It just seems odd that it should be behind such heavy security. |
Betsy joins me after two miles. It is still misty and drizzling a bit, but we're well prepared for weather. |
You don't expect to see pink and purple leaves in the fall, but these almost match Betsy's backpack. |
We make it to Rider Tavern, home to the Charlton Historical Society. |
Across the street is a muster field, used well into the 19th century. Betsy thinks I sometimes use my trekking poles as weapons, so I posed with them for this photo. |
Passing over the Mass Pike, there's lots of westbound traffic evading the hurricane's path. The rest area is in the distance. |
This tree was being strangled by this heavy vine. |
We finally arrive at the cow tunnel. Inside, Betsy had an unfortunate fall because it seems someone left a bread-loaf size rock in the middle of the very dark path. |
But we make it safely to the car, only another 0.1 mile away. |
We were a little soggy at the end of 2 hours, 6 minutes, and 5.05 miles, but a Dunkaccino and hot tea on the way home really warmed things up.
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