Thursday, June 2, 2022

AMC Bike - Alewife Loop

Now for something completely different!

I'm always up for trying something new.  This was billed as a 17 mile ride from Alewife in Cambridge to Woburn.  At first, this seems like a pretty tall order, but what's funny is you don't realize how these towns fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.  Furthermore, a ride starting from Alewife Station is actually within reachable from Leominster;  it's just straight shot down Route 2.

Now, where to park?  It turns out there's a DCR parking lot right near the apartments just before the "T" station.  Hey!  Free parking.

Oh, cool!  We're travelling down the Mystic River Parkway and right past this beach.

This is just one of the really nice looking homes in Winchester.  The property was not huge, but it was nicely manicured.  Who can afford to live here?

If I look a little pained here, it's because we're stopping for yet another stop light. 
Riding in the city is not picnic. Not a lot of hills, but plenty of traffic.

This is "downtown" Winchester where the town offices, etc are located.
Even the buildings here are beautiful.

We're not lost, but we are getting a little more spread out.  This was a left turn around a traffic rotary.  
We regrouped on the other side.

We kind of lost our way a little when we got into the edge of Woburn, but we recovered and made it back in good time, travelling 15.33 miles in 1:31.  The elevation gain was only 465'.  The most challenging part of this ride was city traffic.  I guess I'm spoiled out here in the country.

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