Saturday, April 28 - It was going to be another crazy busy weekend anyway. The yard work is piling up, waiting to be done. But it is
such a beautiful day. Maybe there's some way I can squeeze in a hike. Alex and Cassandra said they "needed to get out", so that's another good reason to take a hike. But considering Cassandra's 30 weeks along, we'll have to have a short hike for her and a longer one for us. That means 3 spots for shuttling, most easily done with 3 cars, but we can make it work with 2. Then at the last minute, to make our lives easier, Dave Leary calls and is in for the hike, too. God provides! But of course, I'm LATE again; we start hiking about 2:17pm.
We're ready to go at Russell Hill Road. |
We crossed this brook - very pretty. |
Just after crossing Rt. 12, we stop at the Philip's Brook bridge, headwaters of the Nashua River. |
Dave cleans up the woods as we go along. |
Finally a gentle downhill grade, Cassandra in the lead just before her stopping point at 3.59 miles. |
Muddy Pond just as we're reaching the campsite area. |
Thank you for an excellent trail improvement (and saving our boots from getting soaked). |
Hiking through the Westminster Conservation Commission land. |
Nice view from under the power lines. Look at that beautiful blue sky. |
Another great view of Mt. Wachusett in the background. |
Destination for today just before the Graffiti Bridge. |
We squeezed it in and it was well worth it: 7.12 miles in 2:32, really hoofing it in the second half.
That's a fast hike! Nice one. You'll be done with the trail in no time at this rate.