It has been so crazy the past few weeks with activities: the graduation party, the opera, the baby shower, the opera, Franciscan meetings, graduation parties, the opera. You get the idea. But now it's Father's Day weekend. Armed with that fact, I am able to talk Betsy and Nathaniel into joining me on a family hike this beautiful Saturday. Although, to make it more interesting for them, I set aside my OCD tendencies and agree to do a section of the hike
out of order, stipulating, of course, that we still continue to travel north-to-south. We choose a stretch in the south part of the county (see map).
Driving down to where the trail crosses Rt 16 in Douglas, we drop Nathaniel's car, then head back to the Baptist church in West Sutton to begin hiking. From here, the trail follows Douglas Road, past the sweeping fields and pastures of Whittier Farm. Then, just before we enter the woods, a young man a truck recognizes me and with excitement, pulls over. It Andrew H, who used to be a member of Troop 11, years ago. He's older now, having just graduated from high school. I haven't seen him in years. He's from Sterling, so what are the odds I'd meet up with him way down there?
Having a long stride, Nathaniel stays ahead of us most of the hike. We do our best to keep up. The sky is clear blue and the temperature is about 70 - warmer in the sun and not too buggy in the shade.
Traditional "beginning" photo; church in background. |
Beside the road, this little pond was covered with lily pads. |
A quick stop at the Whittier Farm road stand, where we pose for tourist photos with the "cows". |
This is a real cow, but I didn't get her name. |
We stop next to a pond, one of the few views along this section of trail. |
Nathaniel dared me to pose on the rock, but straddling the water was the best I could manage. |
A nice wide section of the trail - tall trees and Nathaniel out in front. |
A stone bridge over a babbling brook is a good place to stop for a snack break. |
I think this tree with the trail marker is supposed to be standing upright. |
Near the end there are some well constructed boardwalks over boggy sections. |
We pick up our car. The rock where I set the camera was a little crooked, but it's the only way I can appear taller than Nathaniel. |
Today's mileage is 6.06 miles covered in 2:32. It was nice to have family along.